Career Literacy Professional Experience
Course Description: As a foundational Computer Science course, Career Literacy 101 prepares educators through the attainment of Computer Science microcredentials. Microcredentials provide educators the confidence and competence to up evolve sustained Computer Science teaching practices beyond coding and programming at the K-12 level. The experiential learning activities are based on Couragion’s research and development in Computer Science which is generously supported by the National Science Foundation.
Learn how proven Career Literacy integrally woven into your STEM education experiences:
Unifies real-world context and relevance into classroom practices
Informs student choice around career readiness and potential work-based learning opportunities
Advances student aspiration, intention, and motivation to pursue and stay in rewarding pathways
Boosts participation of underrepresented students in STEM and computer science career paths
Audience: All Computer Science teachers, STEM teachers, administrators, and counselors are welcome. No pre-requisites required. Each workshop can accommodate up to 25 participants.
Workshop Details: This three-day workshop is a blend of direct instruction, hands-on work, and peer collaboration and feedback aligned to a rigorous, standards-based approach to Computer Science. Workshops can be customized to fit your needs. Workshops are conducted at your location or at the mindSpark Learning state-of-the-art training facility in the Denver metro area of Colorado.
To learn more or to inquire about workshop format and schedule, please complete this form: