Career Readiness for All


The new whitepaper 'Career Readiness for All' caught my eye for a variety of reasons. First, we're big supporters of 'CS for All' in providing students with the skills to succeed in all the industries where technology is critical. Second, Couragion provides a career literacy solution that aligns to and addresses many of the challenges outlined in the report. The Coalition of Career Development who put out the research talks about the 'stunning decline in economic mobility in the U.S.', the 'shocking national neglect of career development' and proclaims that we should 'make career readiness the first priority of American education'.

 To address the educational inadequacies and bridge the disconnects between the economy and education, the 'Career Readiness for All' outlines five pillars.

  1. Prioritize Career Planning - Start career readiness no later than middle school. Ensure every student has an individualized learning and action plan.

  2. Provide Professional Career Advising - Increase the number and quality of the professionals charged with career literacy education. Put in place a new School Career Development Advisor (SCDA).

  3. Emphasize Applied and Work-Based Learning - Set goals for introducing a continuum of options from job shadows to internships to apprenticeships. Encourage students to earn industry certifications.

  4. Provide High-Quality Career Development Technology - Attain a baseline level of technology to support career exploration, career portfolios, and career planning. Complement the role of career coaches, mentors, advocates, family, and industry.

  5. Ensure Accountability - Adopt measures that recognize the importance of career readiness. Ensure rigorous implementation and ubiquitous access to quality career pathway programs and student supports.

We agree that there aren't enough systemic, quality programs out there for educators and students - many lack an engagement model and promote unconscious bias. Couragion differentiates our career literacy platform from others in the market by providing critical elements of the five pillars. We deliver labor market information, exposure to high priority careers, role models who mirror a diverse demographic, an engagement model that encourages self-exploration and career exploration, the ability to measure what matters, and work-based learning experiences so students can gain new skills and understand the multiple pathways towards postsecondary readiness. The five pillars provide a practical, grounded framework. I'd recommend that you give the full whitepaper a read for more context around the expecting benefits of adopting this plan of action.


Melissa Risteff