STEMpath Drives Positive Educator Impacts to Mindsets & Behaviors
This week Couragion, mindSpark Learning, and Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU) celebrated our inaugural STEMpath graduating class and welcomed our second class to the program. When we designed and developed STEMpath, we defined the desired impacts as shifts in both mindsets and behaviors. At the celebration we asked the graduating class to share how the Masters-level certificate in computer science has impacted their teaching practices and their students. We received some great insights. Below are a few quotes that we heard from the graduates which align to those desired impacts.
From a mindset perspective, STEMpath is about turning educators who teach computer science into computer science educators.
“I gained confidence."
"Students need to fail so they can learn."
From a behavioral perspective, STEMpath is about providing authentic, practical methods for improving STEM teaching and learning.
"The activities we did as 'students' - we could use in our own classrooms with our own students."
"I was able to try the things I learned here the next day."
During the Colorado legislative session this month, Janine Davidson, President of MSU, testified and promoted STEMpath as one of the programs she was not only proud of but which demonstrated the possibility for higher education to be more responsive to both industry and K-12. We're both honored and humbled to be a part of such an impactful initiative!
Curious about STEMpath? Want to get involved? We are seeking both industry and K-12 partnerships. Learn more here or reach out to Melissa Sayre at for more information.